Akamai Energy

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The Akamai Energy Advantage
We will provide you with a free consultation to help you pick the right system for your needs and budget. Isn’t it time you increased the value of your home and profitability of your business with Akamai Energy! Contact us for a free estimate! Eliminate your electric bill and increase the value of your home today!

Why Buy Akamai

  • Best Panels: FEATURING Solar World American made panels
  • Featuring industry standard enphase micro-inverters
  • best warranties:
    25 year panel, 25 year inverter and 10 year installation
  • Professional installation:
    installers: over 10 years experience in the solar, roofing and construction industry
    master electrician: licensed for over 28 years!
  • Free web based monitoring
  • Full time customer service and tech support:
  • Fast and efficient service from start to finish
  • We take care of all your paperwork: permits, homeowners association applications, net metering agreements and sample tax forms
  • Professional installation: over 10 years experience in the solar and roofing industry
  • Best pricing in the industry: helping Hawaii go green and save green we will meet or beat any price quote
  • Best referral plan in the business: we love referrals and so do our customers
  • Locally owned and operated
  • Free semi-annual maintenance program for the first two years


Richie Aqui
Akamai Energy’s Managing Director

Phone: (808) 445-9119
Web Site: http://www.akamaienergyhawaii.com
Email: [email protected]

satisfied customer_meet the expert

Tip #1: Keep it Clean A clean panel is a happy efficient panel did you know that the production of your photovoltaic solar system is dependent on how efficient your panels are? And to keep your panels efficient they need to be kept clean. In the past, many believed that the natural cleaning of solar panels through rain and wind was sufficient and therefore no additional manual cleaning was required. However, this is outdated from today’s perspective. Non-cleaning of solar panels will often result in irreversible damage; reduction in efficiency and a shorter panel life span. Call Akamai Energy today at (808) 445- 9119 or go to www.akamaienergyhawaii.com to find out how inexpensive it is to clean, coat and protect your solar panels to keep them at their highest efficiency. Remember…a clean solar panel is a happy efficient panel; and that means more money saved in your bank account!

Tip #2: Aesthetics
When considering the installation of a solar system on your home, a major consideration for many homeowners is aesthetics. After all, system sizes range from as little as ten panels to forty or more. And for those homeowners that have put a lot of money and time into the beauty of their home, a poorly designed system can be a solar site for sore eyes. The good news is at Akamai Energy every system design involves the homeowner’s approval with no surprises featuring high tech computer programs that can design your system on sky shot images of your roof with the added insurance of an on site pre-evaluation prior to every installation. To further enhance the aesthetics of your home, you can even upgrade the standard black on silver panels, to the very stylish black on black… For a free on site evaluation call Akamai Energy today at (808) 445-9119 or visit us on our website at www.akamaienergyhawaii.com.

time is now_tips


1050 Bishop Street, Suite 209
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 445-9119
Email: [email protected]